Digital Product Development Services

At Cardinal Peak, we provide digital product development services that combine with our proven expertise across markets, proactive client service and focus on ongoing execution to engineer innovative digital products that propel our clients’ businesses into the future.

Connect with digital product developers for strategic insights to optimize your project’s budget and timeline. Avoid more research and unnecessary sales pressure with our expert guidance.

Digital products are increasingly transforming workflows and redefining value propositions across industries. From managing security to unlocking opportunities for data analytics and data visualization to streamlining processes for continuous product improvement, the cloud is a critical component of digital product engineering that empowers organizations to make the world better.

Whether you are looking to create a serverless, cloud-native application from the ground up or migrate existing code to the cloud, Cardinal Peak can help. With deep experience in end-to-end IoT product development, as well as all audio/video streaming and data analytics, our expert team of engineers is prepared to support you with everything from cloud and mobile application development to continuous integration and delivery with our DevOps capability — and all aspects of digital product development in between.

Cloud Native Application Development

For streaming, health care or IoT, Cardinal Peak develops cloud-native platforms and serverless applications optimized for performance and cost.

AWS IoT Core Design Services

An Amazon Web Services-certified design partner, Cardinal Peak helps businesses develop connected products leveraging the speed, flexibility and reliability of AWS IoT Core.

IoT Platform Migration Services

Early IoT products leveraged platforms that have since become liabilities. We help brands migrate and future-proof IoT products while enhancing features and lowering costs.

Streaming Media & Kinesis

Cardinal Peak's streaming team develops software for processing, managing and distributing significant amounts of audio/video streaming data cost-effectively while minimizing latency.

Data Analytics

From machine learning and AI to data visualization, warehousing and forecasting, Cardinal Peak simplifies data to unlock your business' hidden value.

Mobile App Development

If your digital innovation requires a differentiated mobile app, we specialize in the development of complex applications that operate as part of a larger system.

DevOps Consulting

Do you need optimized continuous integration and delivery pipelines? We can help support the automation of infrastructure builds and deployments to streamline product development.

Cloud Migration Services

Digitally transform your business today. With a variety of options to fit your budget and schedule, Cardinal Peak can help you capitalize on cloud computing.

Digital Product Development Services FAQs

What is Digital Product Development?

Digital products are software products generally delivered through the cloud and mobile apps. While they are not physically tangible, there are nonrecurring engineering (NRE) costs associated with developing digital products as well as ongoing cloud costs associated with their operation. Consequently, companies across industries hire companies providing product development services for their digital product engineering expertise. Digital product development encompasses all of the steps involved in bringing a digital innovation to life, from ideation through to ongoing support, and requires skills in web, design, iOS and/or Android development, software design and engineering, UX/UI design, strategy and project management.

What are Examples of Digital Products?

Any software-as-a-service (SaaS) application — such as Salesforce, Zoom, Google Workspace and Slack — is a digital product. In addition, games, music applications, ebooks, virtual courses, templates and any software-only invention can all also be considered examples of digital products.

What is Digital Product Engineering?

Digital product engineering includes the steps involved in the digital product development process, from ideation through development to product release. Digital products are generally developed using an agile software development process. Once a digital product is launched, the product continues to be improved and updated using continuous development and integration. Digital products need regular maintenance as the platforms they run on continue to evolve.

Digital Product Development Case Studies

Case Study Preparing Legacy Software for Future Platform Growth
Preparing Legacy Software for Future Platform Growth

Leveraging software development processes refined over hundreds of projects, we helped our client increase the speed and productivity of future development with a complete process that unlocks a new level of continuous integration and delivery.

Updating Legacy Software
Case Study radio dj using interactive app to communicate with audience
Interactive Radio

When a serial entrepreneur came to us with the idea for his app, we were excited to help build a solution that makes radio interactive and capitalizes on the deep connection that millions have with their favorite radio stations.

Radio Station App Development
Case Study HIPAA compliant video management system
HIPAA-Compliant VMS and App Development

An early foray into digital consultations, this case study saw us collaborate with a neurosurgeon in Phoenix to create a HIPAA-compliant app that improves patient compliance, limits risk and saves time. Keep reading to learn more.

Health Care Video Product Design

Additional Digital Product Design Resources

Do you want to learn more about digital product engineering? The following blog posts offer insight into our team’s design processes, tackle common embedded software engineering challenges and walk readers through important considerations.

Blog Post group discussing product engineering process
Our Product Development Process: Project Execution

Product development comes with its share of difficulties. To simplify the process of selecting the right product development partner for your project, this blog post highlights the success of our agile reporting and quality assurance processes.

Product Development Process
Blog Post group of people standing in line
What is the Best Message Queue for Your Application?

From evaluating key metrics and modeling everything upfront to using the most important features as a filter to narrow down your choices, our expert delves into how to select the best message queue for your application.

Message Queue Best Practices
Blog Post visual of differences in cloud ai vs edge ai
At the Edge Vs. In the Cloud: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Edge computing and AI is the future. In this informative blog post, our engineering expert delves into the differences between artificial intelligence and machine learning at the edge and in the cloud, discussing when to use each approach.

Edge AI vs. Cloud AI